I drew the happy couple because I felt like it. Kate looked bloomin' beautiful in her Grace Kelly-inspired dress: Source: http://shelleysmucker.blogspot.com/2011/04/wedding-fit-for-king.html In the midst of the pomp and pageantry, we learnt seven things: Strapless wedding dresses may die You don't need to give your bridesmaids garish colours to stand out ( a classic cream dress that clings to their silhouette may do it for them ) Simple looks good (see above) Prince Harry is tha man James Middleton is tha man Sam Cam can let you down in the fashion stakes Waiting can work Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1381815/Royal-Wedding-William-Kates-kiss-signals-great-future-together.html?ito=feeds-newsxml What were your thoughts about the Royal Wedding? Let me know below.
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