Today I got a blasting on Twitter - and rightly so. I corrected someone's tweet with a workable link with the best of intentions but I realise it came across as patronising and inappropriate - especially as the tweeter was in the midst of a debate with someone who was trolling them. I apologised, deleted the tweet and was on my way, learning a valuable lesson that social media is not to be dealt with flippantly, people's thoughts and feelings are on the line. Social media brings out the best of us and worst of us at times. It reveals what we want it to reveal - and what we we don't - whether we like it or not. It brings a feeling of false familiarity which to a non-social media user can seem almost perverse and surprising - and so it should, a person who has decided to share some facets of their life doesn't make the reader of it their friend. And that is where the said reader needs to understand that. Indeed over time, allyships and friendships may be form...
My desire? That you'll read something on this site that makes you say: "Ooh, that's useful", "That's interesting", "That's really helpful", "That's sooooo true" or "That's so inspiring" and enriches you somehow. That's "The BOOM! Moment" right there...