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2021 vision

This is a simple blog post, but I hope it's helpful for you in some way. Sometimes it's good to stick to the foundations. 

As we near the end of 2020, you may be reviewing what you've achieved this year. I know it hasn't been an average one; however I hope good things have happened for you personally.

But before reviewing, what's the vision that you've had for your life so far?

Have you had a vision in each of these areas?

  1. Home life
  2. Work/career life/vocation
  3. Friendships
  4. Spirituality/religion
  5. Finances
  6. Hobbies
  7. Health 

Without a destination, there's aimlessness and that, often brings regret later in life.

If you have had a vision for each of these, have you fulfilled the visions via your goals and objectives? Or at least stepped closer to them?

If no, here are three quick tips which may help, and even if the answer is yes - and that is wonderful news - you may find that these tips may be tools in your kit to make it happen quicker or easier.

1. Ask yourself, have your goals been SMART?

It's just useful to make your goals specific, measurable, attainable (or aligned), realistic (but still a challenge, I might add) and timely. Check out SMART criteria. That way you have a target to get to, review, and see what worked and didn't.

2. Negotiate where you can

Where there are situations where two people set to sacrifice something, whether that is money or time, negotiate in a way that it is win-win for both of you - a book that's been recommended is "Win Win: How to get a winning result from persuasive negotiations" by Derek Arden. And this kind of ties in with relationships in general. There are people in your life that can help you change your life and vice versa, what conversation can you bravely start... 

3. Be at least 1% braver than yesterday

There may be several things you've been putting off, what's one action you can take today? That may be the aforementioned conversation, a drawing or blueprint for an idea you've been thinking about, an application, a recommendation, a post or comedy sketch on an app. Get the proverbial ball rolling.

The aim is to align your life with your vision one day at a time.

Wishing you all the best.


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